martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Jung - Enneagram test

Mi resultado del test:

Introverted (I) 64.71% Extroverted (E) 35.29%
Intuitive (N) 57.14% Sensing (S) 42.86%
Thinking (T) 55.88% Feeling (F) 44.12%
Judging (J) 78.79% Perceiving (P) 21.21%

INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.
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Enneagram Test Results

The Enneagram is a personality system which divides the entire human personality into nine behavioral tendencies, this is your score on each...

Type 1   Perfectionism||||||||||||||||||||90%
Type 2Helpfulness||||||||||||50%
Type 3Image Awareness||||||26%
Type 4Individuality||||||||||||||||63%
Type 5Rationality||||||||||||||||||76%
Type 6Cautiousness||||||||||||||||63%
Type 7Adventurousness||||||||||||46%
Type 8Aggressiveness||||||||||||||||||80%
Type 9Calmness||||||||||33%

typescoretype behavior motivation
127 I must be perfect and good to survive.
824 I must be strong and in control to survive.
523 I must be knowledgeable to survive.
419 I must be unique/different to survive.
619 I must be secure and safe to survive.

Your main type is Type 1
Your variant stacking is spsosx